chronic renal disease

Kidney disease in pets has always been one my two most dreaded disease. The other being cancer. While advances have been made steadily on the cancer front as we have gained better understanding of how to improve quality of life and longevity, Chronic Renal Disease has seen only small steps. Although improved chemistry and blood… Continue reading

After last year’s divisive presidential campaign fraught with politicking, personal promotion and prejudice, I took a three week road trip south (with Lou the dog) in an attempt to “get back in touch” with who we really were in this country. To my considerable relief I found that the great majority of Americans that I… Continue reading

“Laser Florence 2015 The International Year of Light ” was the official name of the conference in Florence, Italy where two of our patients had their cases presented to an audience that included veterinarians, medical doctors and university researchers. Treatment of chronic renal disease using light therapy created a major stir throughout the conference. The… Continue reading