We are very grateful for your recommendations and the influx of new patients during the past year. Many have found us as a principle resource for Photobiomodulation (aka: Low Level Laser Therapy) while others value our full service capabilities residing under a single roof. Ultrasound, surgery, ophthalmology and internal medicine are just a small sampling of the services we provide. In an effort to always accommodate sick pets who have an urgent need for medical attention, it can be difficult to provide appointments as soon as we would like. With that in mind and in keeping with our philosophy of ill animals need to be seen quickly, we have instituted a drop off program for clients who have a current relationship with the Brockton Animal Hospital. Although not ideal, it provides pet owners who have a pet that needs immediate attention an opportunity to receive it without having to wait several days for an appointment, a situation we feel is unacceptable. In most instances, a pet that is dropped off will be examined by a veterinarian within the first hour of admission and a communication will take place between the pet owner and the veterinarian or nursing staff member. We assure you that all pets are examined by a veterinarian prior to speaking with you, the pet parent. This service is purely optional and by no means intended to eliminate the more traditional “across the exam table” visit. But with increased pressure on our available “time slot” appointments, it will allow us to provide the medical attention that your ill pet may need in a timely manner. Although we will have an additional doctor joining our staff in the next few weeks, it takes a great deal of time and effort to bring a new staff member up to speed. Thank you for your understanding and placing your confidence in us. We take that very seriously.