Cat Scratch Disease

This is a question that comes up nearly daily in our veterinary practice. If a pet tests positive for Lyme Disease or Cat Scratch Disease but seems healthy, does that mean he/she isn’t really sick? The answer to this question is…..”Yes…..and…..maybe No” It can be as confusing for veterinarians as for pet owners. So what… Continue reading

For those who have brought a family feline into the Brockton Animal Hospital at any time in recent years I am sure you remember the blood sample that was taken during the first or second visit. There were two tests performed on this sample, one for Feline Leukemia and Feline “AIDS” Virus, the other for… Continue reading

Feline Leukemia Virus, Feline Immunodeficiency virus and Feline Bartonellosis all have one thing in common.  They are all serious diseases in cats.  But the last of the three, Bartonellosis, can also be a serious disease in people.  Once known as Cat Scratch Fever, although more aptly now as Cat Scratch Disease (CSD), it is caused… Continue reading