Integrative Medicine

Annually, on May 16, the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Light. This ensures that we may, at least once a year, appreciate the importance of this often taken for granted resource. Though agriculture, technology, communication and education are all highly dependent, there is no field in which light will play as critical of… Continue reading

As many of you know, Laser Therapy (now called Photobiomodulation) is one of the most commonly used therapies in our hospital. We have been involved in the use of this treatment early on and continue to research new diseases that respond to the application of light. Recently, while presenting a course on Light Therapy to… Continue reading

For those who visit this site with regularity, I am certain you notice my passion for treating many medical conditions with laser therapy. For those of you who are clients of the Brockton Animal Hospital, I am equally certain that at times, you receive “TMI” (too much information) about the field of medical laser with… Continue reading

As many of you know, our goal is to always keep you informed about your pet’s health, new treatments, emerging diseases and awareness of current happenings within out hospital. In that light let’s take a look at what’s occurring here that affects you and your pet companions. 1. Tick borne diseases, mainly Anaplasmosis and Lyme… Continue reading

Many conditions that we see in our pets also affect humans. The “One Health Initiative” is a movement which links veterinarians and physicians in the study of the connection between human diseases, animal diseases and the environment. It is an extraordinary undertaking to see what we can learn from our pets in understanding the… Continue reading

The last few weeks has been very busy for us as we have asked to make presentations at three courses, conferences and scientific meetings. These events started with a Thor Photomedicine day long course where we were asked to present several case studies from our practice. Thor is the manufacturer of the equipment we use… Continue reading