Integrative Medicine

It has been nine years since we initiated a pilot study integrating Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT, previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy and now commonly known as Red Light Therapy) into a mainstream Chronic Kidney Disease treatment group. The study subjects were canine and feline, all suffering from Late Stage III and Stage IV Chronic… Continue reading

As most medical people will tell you, when an appointment begins and the patient, client, owner or guardian leads with “I looked on Google and this is what is probably wrong……” the tendency is to take a deep breath and let out a sigh. After all, how many years of medical school and clinical experience… Continue reading

As many of our clients have experienced, Photobiomodulation, also known as Light Therapy or Laser Therapy, has become an indispensable part of our practice. Photobiomodulation treatment of many conditions including injury, osteoarthritis, pancreatitis, liver disease, eye disease, disc disease, on and on is now commonplace in our practice. The results are usually excellent and, in… Continue reading

With the start of the academic year, we all get back to the work at hand and say goodbye to the carefree days of summer. Although we all enjoy the laid back time of July and August, it is always nice to get back to the work at hand. At the Brockton Animal Hospital this… Continue reading

Brockton Animal Hospital has been a leader in the use of Photobiomodulation, also known as Low Level Laser Therapy, in the Boston area for nearly fifteen years. Although the initial use was as a drug free treatment for arthritis and other orthopedic injuries, treatment has expanded to include chronic kidney and liver disease, neurologic and… Continue reading

Posted on April 19th, 2019 in Integrative Medicine | Comments Off on Photobiomodulation (Low Level laser Therapy) Now Front and Center in the Opoid Crisis

It happens every year in veterinary exam rooms across the country. Time for the annual checkup and the vet looks at you and your pet and says: “looks like its been a long winter….her weight is up a bit” to which you reply “she always gains a bit in the winter and then loses it… Continue reading

Having been involved in the field of Photobiomodulation(Low Level Laser Therapy) for many years, we are often contacted by pet owners both in the Boston area and internationally. We frequently write and review articles, read journals, assess possible research projects and consult in all phases of using light to treat medical conditions in animals as… Continue reading

It was heart wrenching to hear of the losses during the hurricane that devastated the Carolinas. Many people lost their homes and, horrifically, some lost their lives. Although the loss of property is not always preventable, most can be is replaced. Sadly many of the people who died, did so because they were unwilling to… Continue reading

Kidney disease in pets has always been one my two most dreaded disease. The other being cancer. While advances have been made steadily on the cancer front as we have gained better understanding of how to improve quality of life and longevity, Chronic Renal Disease has seen only small steps. Although improved chemistry and blood… Continue reading

In the last post we looked at several of the reasons that the price of high quality veterinary care has increased so dramatically over the past few years. As doctors who witness the importance of dogs, cats and other pets in the lives of humans, this escalating cost is of grave concern. There is nothing… Continue reading