
Overweight or obesity in dogs and cats is a problem that has grown to alarming proportions.  Although it is our responsibility as  pet caretakers to manage their weight, the majority of pet food manufacturers have not  helped.  In their efforts to provide foods that are nutritious, low residue and palatable the industry has produced many… Continue reading

Perhaps the most important treatment for lameness of all causes in dogs and cats to emerge is Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT.  LLLT is more accurately described as photobiomodulation.  Although this term seems a bit daunting if one looks at the individual parts it becomes very logical..  Photo refers to light, bio refers to… Continue reading

When it comes to your dog limping or cat not jumping it is not necessarily age related.  Previously we talked about the various causes for these changes but how do we track it down?  In looking for infectious disease causes for behavioral changes the place to start is with a history and complete physical by your… Continue reading

The above is often heard in conversation with our veterinary clients. While there are multiple causes for musculoskeletal disorders, there is an assumption that with the aging of our pets a reduction in activity and physical capability is to be expected.  It is true that across the spectrum of the animal kingdom there is a decline in physical attributes in conjunction with aging. … Continue reading