Canine Medicine

For those who visit this site with regularity, I am certain you notice my passion for treating many medical conditions with laser therapy. For those of you who are clients of the Brockton Animal Hospital, I am equally certain that at times, you receive “TMI” (too much information) about the field of medical laser with… Continue reading

Sweat bands, toddler toys, undergarments, strings, shoe laces, sweatshirt cords, ribbons, balls, a teaspoon, hair elastics, children’s toys, sewing needles, towels, cleaning cloths, carpets, socks, acorns, corn cobs, chicken bones…………..this list goes on and on. The above describes only some of the assortment of items we have removed from our patients over the past few… Continue reading

This is a question that comes up nearly daily in our veterinary practice. If a pet tests positive for Lyme Disease or Cat Scratch Disease but seems healthy, does that mean he/she isn’t really sick? The answer to this question is…..”Yes…..and…..maybe No” It can be as confusing for veterinarians as for pet owners. So what… Continue reading