
Sweat bands, toddler toys, undergarments, strings, shoe laces, sweatshirt cords, ribbons, balls, a teaspoon, hair elastics, children’s toys, sewing needles, towels, cleaning cloths, carpets, socks, acorns, corn cobs, chicken bones…………..this list goes on and on. The above describes only some of the assortment of items we have removed from our patients over the past few… Continue reading

As pet owners we all tend to closely observe our pets.  We know their habits, behaviors and routines.  So when something doesn’t seem quite right….what should we do?  As a veterinarian I always consider the pet family’s observation  the most valuable clue we have in evaluating health.  Of course sometimes we all push the panic… Continue reading

There is an unusual aspect to fall in New England.  For some unknown reason there is an increase in  Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease at the onset of the cooler fall weather.  FLUTD as this condition is most often named is associated with many different diseases.   Interstitial Cystitis or severe inflammation and pain in the… Continue reading

As the holidays are rapidly approaching it is important to note that one of the most serious conditions that affect cats (as well as other pets)  is a  linear foreign body.   This refers to the ingestion of such materials as ribbons, strings, tinsel, or thread which in some instances may actually have a sewing needles attached. The condition’s severity stems from the possibiilty… Continue reading

As the heat of summer descends upon us our pets can enjoy the warmer weather just as we all do.  Not leaving our dog or cat  in a parked car and providing plenty of shade and water are essential.  But we can still exercise and enjoy our pets in the outdoors even during these dog… Continue reading