laser therapy

“Laser Florence 2015 The International Year of Light ” was the official name of the conference in Florence, Italy where two of our patients had their cases presented to an audience that included veterinarians, medical doctors and university researchers. Treatment of chronic renal disease using light therapy created a major stir throughout the conference. The… Continue reading

On November 4th two Brockton Animal Hospital patients will “travel” to Florence, Italy. They won’t actually be flying to Europe but the International Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery (ISLMS) is holding their annual medical conference. For the first time in their history there will be a veterinary tract as part of this human medical… Continue reading

On August 30 and September 1, 2015, I participated as a member of a “think tank” or “incubator” session at the Optical Society in Washington D.C. Participation was limited to approximately fifty people who work in the field of therapeutic laser so for me inclusion in this, by invitation only group, was certainly an honor.… Continue reading

Once again the holidays are upon us and I would like to thank all of you (that is our two and four legged friends) who have made this a very fun, inspiring and of course challenging year. It never ceases to amaze me the attachment and importance of our animal companions in our lives. I… Continue reading

When it comes to your dog limping or cat not jumping it is not necessarily age related.  Previously we talked about the various causes for these changes but how do we track it down?  In looking for infectious disease causes for behavioral changes the place to start is with a history and complete physical by your… Continue reading