Stress induced illness

Sadly (for some but maybe not so much for parents) summer is winding down and we are all engaged in the return to the three season “normalcy” of the school year. Supplies, after school programs, day care, work and school schedules are all in the forefront now. While our four legged friends don’t overtly require… Continue reading

Several times annually we receive reports from the pet insurance companies listing the most common diseases reported for felines and canines. Even though we deal with many of these conditions daily they are rarely easy to cure. For example one of the most common diseases in cats is feline lower urinary tract disease. Although dogs… Continue reading

Two weeks have passed since the last post and not much has changed, weather wise, here in New England. So in the spirit of being the hearty group we are let’s continue to move forward with our lives and pay particular attention to a few additional concerns that always seem to surface at the Brockton… Continue reading

As the cheerful greeting of “Happy Holidays”  rings out this holiday season, remember that the same happiness may not be experienced by your pet.  As families reunite and households become busy with all the plans, the family dog or cat is often left out of the focus.   In some ways this is positive since cats in… Continue reading