Common Medical Problems

At the time of this writing, Hurricane Irma has devastated islands in the Caribbean, made landfall in Florida and is moving into Georgia to wreak havoc there. Harvey has already done its destruction in Texas but the societal aftershocks will be felt for years. We hear constant reports on radio, TV and online. Loss of… Continue reading

A client asked last week: “Who do you think is smarter, dogs or cats?” After pondering for a short moment I responded……”we need to add humans to that mix.” The age old question of which species is smarter is never an easy one. Do we consider survival capability? Problem solving? The ability to know what… Continue reading

For nearly twelve years now, Laser Therapy for both dogs and cats has been our standard of care when dealing with a variety of conditions such as osteoarthritis, injury, disc disease and many others. We have seen so many successes that sometimes seem barely short of miraculous, that it has altered the way in which… Continue reading

Perhaps it was the long winter….or maybe it was the very slow start to summer season. Whatever the reason, the Brockton Animal Hospital has seen an influx of new kittens and puppies at a rate much higher than usual. Why is it so important to bring your new pet to a veterinarian as soon as… Continue reading

While we have all been complaining about the spring weather that just didn’t seem to want to show up, thoughts of fleas, ticks and the diseases they carry have very much been in the background. Of course there have been some occasional pockets of these nasty little pests but by in large we have gotten… Continue reading

Ultrasound…..a Diagnostic “Miracle“ Although ultrasound has been around the medical profession for many years, it seems as if we often take it for granted. Those of us who were in practice before or during the early days of diagnostic ultrasound are still amazed at all the information it can provide. We are so fortunate to… Continue reading

This is a question we often get asked. The answer… depends. Not a very helpful answer, to be sure, but there are a few qualifiers to help you make the decision. Let’s assume we’re talking about this winter in New England. The following comments may help you to decide. Q. Are ticks the more predominant… Continue reading

For those who visit this site with regularity, I am certain you notice my passion for treating many medical conditions with laser therapy. For those of you who are clients of the Brockton Animal Hospital, I am equally certain that at times, you receive “TMI” (too much information) about the field of medical laser with… Continue reading

Sweat bands, toddler toys, undergarments, strings, shoe laces, sweatshirt cords, ribbons, balls, a teaspoon, hair elastics, children’s toys, sewing needles, towels, cleaning cloths, carpets, socks, acorns, corn cobs, chicken bones…………..this list goes on and on. The above describes only some of the assortment of items we have removed from our patients over the past few… Continue reading

This is a question that comes up nearly daily in our veterinary practice. If a pet tests positive for Lyme Disease or Cat Scratch Disease but seems healthy, does that mean he/she isn’t really sick? The answer to this question is…..”Yes…..and…..maybe No” It can be as confusing for veterinarians as for pet owners. So what… Continue reading