
The flea’s time of year is here.  As the heat of the summer is well entrenched and as the occasional thunderstorms keep things just moist enough, flea season is officially upon us.  Now is the time to take control before fleas become established in your house as well as in your pet population, whether just… Continue reading

There appears to be an odd phenomenon this year. July arrives and suddenly the fleas are swarming. That in itself doesn’t seem unusual. The onset of flea season in felines and canines varies from early July to September. This is greatly dependent on spring moisture, summer temperatures and even winter climate. This year seems to… Continue reading

While the abundance of  scratching, runny eyes and itchiness that your dog or cat suffers from  can be reduced with environmental and food correction,  they may occasionally need medication to reduce discomfort.  Several products can be used to give relief depending on the preference of your local vet.  Often a simple antihistamine such as Benadryl is the… Continue reading

Sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and now scratching at my back……sounds like your seasonal allergies, doesn’t it?  At least all except the back scratching.   Actually this very accurately describes some of the common symptoms associated with allergies in dogs and cats.  In the previous posts we looked at the various causes, testing and evaluations required in assessing skin… Continue reading

Much is often inferred from pet owners, pet food manufacturers, and veterinarians regarding  itchy pets and food allergies.  A natural reaction on the part of the dog or cat owner is to change diets,  But does this really help?  Although it is true that food allergies do occur in pets, how can we best evaluate… Continue reading

Your pet is scratching…..chewing her skin……biting his feet….losing fur………….FLEAS……..Right?  Probably not.  Even though fleas (one of several pests that fall under the heading of  External Parasites) can cause these symptoms, many pets that visit the veterinarian for the above signs do not have fleas.  There is a myriad of various conditions that can cause scratching, chewing,… Continue reading