Ronald Hirschberg

Pet owners, whether they own cats, dogs, birds or any other creature that allows for interaction have known this for a long time. Pets enhance your life in a multiple of other ways besides just the fun. Sure it is entertaining to watch housemate felines chase each other around the house, attack each other from… Continue reading

The last few weeks has been very busy for us as we have asked to make presentations at three courses, conferences and scientific meetings. These events started with a Thor Photomedicine day long course where we were asked to present several case studies from our practice. Thor is the manufacturer of the equipment we use… Continue reading

Let’s be real here. Who hasn’t, at some time in their cat or dog’s life, offered up something that was left over from a meal, not eaten by a child or just seemed like something that would make our pet happy. To those of you who can raise their hands on that question….kudos to you.… Continue reading

As it appears that spring (or at least a teaser) is making an early appearance in New England the thought of adding to our pet families often emerges. “My kids are really pushing for a dog”. “My daughter really wants another kitten”. “What pet is best for my situation” are common statements and questions we… Continue reading

I am sure that many of you who have visited our office during the last year or so have noticed that often someone is “trying out” for the veterinary position that has been open for quite a while. We employ an involved interview process including cover letter request, resume submission, additional essays, “meet and greet”… Continue reading

We had to say goodbye to a very dear friend this past week. Our ten year old Irish Setter, Red, decided it was time to move on to his next spiritual journey after a three month fight with T-cell lymphoma. It was sad, to say the least, but as the days have passed the positive… Continue reading

Whenever we travel to different parts of the world whether for conferences, pleasure or both, it is always fascinating to observe pets. Pet owners across cultures seem to have one thing in common…..they love their pets and form strong bonds with them. A recent trip to Italy to speak at a conference and then on… Continue reading

Several years ago while I was working at my desk updating patient files, a thought occurred to me. I had just finished opening the day’s mail, complete with many holiday cards from various vendors. Most of these cards were printed, no personal touch and very formulaic. They didn’t inspire much in the way of warm… Continue reading

It happens every year. We get consumed with plans for the holidays, decorating the tree, sprucing up the house, baking cookies and whatever other activity one thinks of when preparing for the holidays. But where are the cats? Are the dogs far away from anything that they might consider edible? No matter how vigilant we… Continue reading

“Laser Florence 2015 The International Year of Light ” was the official name of the conference in Florence, Italy where two of our patients had their cases presented to an audience that included veterinarians, medical doctors and university researchers. Treatment of chronic renal disease using light therapy created a major stir throughout the conference. The… Continue reading