
I am sure that many of you who have visited our office during the last year or so have noticed that often someone is “trying out” for the veterinary position that has been open for quite a while. We employ an involved interview process including cover letter request, resume submission, additional essays, “meet and greet”… Continue reading

There is an unusual aspect to fall in New England.  For some unknown reason there is an increase in  Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease at the onset of the cooler fall weather.  FLUTD as this condition is most often named is associated with many different diseases.   Interstitial Cystitis or severe inflammation and pain in the… Continue reading

Once diet has been altered based on allergy testing, elimination diet or random choice, it may take as long as two months to see the benefit.  If a longer period has passed and your pet is still scratching, it is time to look further.  If skin scrapings, fungal (ringworm) cultures, yeast preps and other diagnostics… Continue reading