Ronald Hirschberg

These are questions that we all wonder about (at least I do). “Common knowledge” states that dogs don’t see color because they have an absence of cones, a component of the retina which allows for color vision. As far as cats are concerned, the typical assumption is that cats can see better at night than… Continue reading

Ultrasound…..a Diagnostic “Miracle“ Although ultrasound has been around the medical profession for many years, it seems as if we often take it for granted. Those of us who were in practice before or during the early days of diagnostic ultrasound are still amazed at all the information it can provide. We are so fortunate to… Continue reading

I had threatened before…….leave February in New England behind and set out on the road, just me, my dog and whatever part of the wandering my wife wanted to share. But this year it was no idle threat. The country seemed different; a land divided politically, socially, religiously and so schizophrenic it made me ponder… Continue reading

Well, the clocks may have sprung forward but winter still has something different in mind. It has been a long time since a snowfall was predicted in the range of feet (ie. 1-2 feet tomorrow in some areas). After debating all day whether to fight the storm and stay open, we have decided that for… Continue reading

Posted on March 13th, 2017 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Looks Like a Big One

This is a question we often get asked. The answer… depends. Not a very helpful answer, to be sure, but there are a few qualifiers to help you make the decision. Let’s assume we’re talking about this winter in New England. The following comments may help you to decide. Q. Are ticks the more predominant… Continue reading

Oh, the doldrums of winter. The holidays are done, with only the credit card bills left. We can try to think spring, but it certainly doesn’t look or feel much like it outside. How about our canine and feline friends? Do they suffer from the “downer days” of January and February like their owners? In… Continue reading

For those who visit this site with regularity, I am certain you notice my passion for treating many medical conditions with laser therapy. For those of you who are clients of the Brockton Animal Hospital, I am equally certain that at times, you receive “TMI” (too much information) about the field of medical laser with… Continue reading

Despite all the warnings, news articles, TV news stories, public cautions and the like, no holiday season is ever over until we have had at least two or three phone calls and subsequent very sick pets as a result of one or more of the following: 1. A canine companion who has grabbed a turkey… Continue reading

The thought may not be original but as the year draws to a close and the time for reflection is upon us, I can think of no better philosophy with which to remind ourselves. After an election that appeared to bring out the worst in our society, I realize just how fortunate we in the… Continue reading

Sweat bands, toddler toys, undergarments, strings, shoe laces, sweatshirt cords, ribbons, balls, a teaspoon, hair elastics, children’s toys, sewing needles, towels, cleaning cloths, carpets, socks, acorns, corn cobs, chicken bones…………..this list goes on and on. The above describes only some of the assortment of items we have removed from our patients over the past few… Continue reading