
Regardless of your species of choice, nails exist on the end of their toes. Be it cats, dogs, rabbits, or whatever, nail trimming is something that will need to be done periodically. Cats, of course, like to use scratching posts, door trim, sofas or whatever they can to exercise their toes and keep their nails… Continue reading

It was heart wrenching to hear of the losses during the hurricane that devastated the Carolinas. Many people lost their homes and, horrifically, some lost their lives. Although the loss of property is not always preventable, most can be is replaced. Sadly many of the people who died, did so because they were unwilling to… Continue reading

Loading the car, the camper, the SUV or whatever vehicle is your favorite means of vacation travel, takes a lot planning.  If you are camping there is only so much room for equipment, food storage, water,  etc. If you are staying with friends, in hotels, cabins or on a boat, last minute decisions as far as what to bring are typical.  Likewise, if you… Continue reading

There is much concern among pet owners and veterinarians alike regarding the rapid rise in the cost of pet medical care. The issue for all of us who have pet companions is obvious; can we afford the best care for our pets? Similarly, for those of us who work in the veterinary profession, we worry… Continue reading

As many of you know, Laser Therapy (now called Photobiomodulation) is one of the most commonly used therapies in our hospital. We have been involved in the use of this treatment early on and continue to research new diseases that respond to the application of light. Recently, while presenting a course on Light Therapy to… Continue reading

Perhaps it was the long winter….or maybe it was the very slow start to summer season. Whatever the reason, the Brockton Animal Hospital has seen an influx of new kittens and puppies at a rate much higher than usual. Why is it so important to bring your new pet to a veterinarian as soon as… Continue reading

We rarely do anything conventionally at the Brockton Animal Hospital. Every patient is unique, no two illnesses are identical and no holiday party should be boring or held until well after the holidays are over. With that in mind, several weeks ago (I’m a bit late in posting this) we celebrated the long past holidays… Continue reading

Ultrasound…..a Diagnostic “Miracle“ Although ultrasound has been around the medical profession for many years, it seems as if we often take it for granted. Those of us who were in practice before or during the early days of diagnostic ultrasound are still amazed at all the information it can provide. We are so fortunate to… Continue reading

I had threatened before…….leave February in New England behind and set out on the road, just me, my dog and whatever part of the wandering my wife wanted to share. But this year it was no idle threat. The country seemed different; a land divided politically, socially, religiously and so schizophrenic it made me ponder… Continue reading

Well, the clocks may have sprung forward but winter still has something different in mind. It has been a long time since a snowfall was predicted in the range of feet (ie. 1-2 feet tomorrow in some areas). After debating all day whether to fight the storm and stay open, we have decided that for… Continue reading

Posted on March 13th, 2017 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Looks Like a Big One