News & Updates | Brockton Animal Hospital

In the last post we looked at several of the reasons that the price of high quality veterinary care has increased so dramatically over the past few years. As doctors who witness the importance of dogs, cats and other pets in the lives of humans, this escalating cost is of grave concern. There is nothing… Continue reading

Annually, on May 16, the United Nations celebrates the International Day of Light. This ensures that we may, at least once a year, appreciate the importance of this often taken for granted resource. Though agriculture, technology, communication and education are all highly dependent, there is no field in which light will play as critical of… Continue reading

There is much concern among pet owners and veterinarians alike regarding the rapid rise in the cost of pet medical care. The issue for all of us who have pet companions is obvious; can we afford the best care for our pets? Similarly, for those of us who work in the veterinary profession, we worry… Continue reading

Just a quick reminder from us, or shall I say our pets. It looks like winter is finally done (knock on wood) and spring is here, The recent rain, spring thaw and temperatures in the mid 60’s is perfect for all of us to get back into the swing of the outdoors. Exercise, gardening, strolling… Continue reading

What do a feline in Texas, a horse in California and a dog in the United Kingdom have in common? They are all feeling well and thriving as the result of Laser (Photobiomodulation) treatment for Chronic or Acute Kidney Disease. It is not just the dogs and cats of Boston that are being treated with… Continue reading

As anxious as we all are to usher out winter and welcome spring, it certainly has not been a painless transition this year. March seemed like February and February seemed (at times) like early April. But finally mother nature appears poised to give us a break…..she skipped us on the last snowstorm and when the… Continue reading

After last year’s divisive presidential campaign fraught with politicking, personal promotion and prejudice, I took a three week road trip south (with Lou the dog) in an attempt to “get back in touch” with who we really were in this country. To my considerable relief I found that the great majority of Americans that I… Continue reading

Four years ago at the Brockton Animal Hospital, we initiated a pilot study on the treatment of Chronic Renal (Kidney) Disease using Low Level Laser Therapy (now known as PBMT or Photobiomodulation Therapy). As some of you may remember from previous posts, the study progressed for two years at which time we reported the conclusion… Continue reading

Dental Hygiene and Brushing Teeth, As any of our clients will tell you, a visit to the Brockton Animal Hospital for a wellness exam often turns to the subject of dental care. Practicing Veterinary Dentistry is one of the many things we do for our clients in the Brockton as well as the greater Boston… Continue reading

We are all aware that the term “Working Dog” has a broad definition. Seeing Eye Dogs, Bomb and Drug sniffing dogs, Dogs that help the Hearing Impaired, Emotional Support Dogs that work with PTSD veterans, Herding Dogs, Search and Rescue Dogs……the list goes on and on. At the Brockton Animal Hospital we have taken care… Continue reading